Pro-life Industry vs. Pro-life Ministry

Pro-life Industry vs. Pro-life MinistryAmerican Right To Life gave a presentation titled Pro-life Industry vs. Pro-life Ministry to a packed house at the Institute on the Constitution. See below for a list of organizations that have morphed from ministry into industry where principles and a vision for victory have been traded away for long-term fundraising strategies, comfortable retirement benefits, and a seat at the table with politicians who only use them. For one example of what happens when a ministry becomes an industry, see, including this:

$250 Million Dollar PBA Fundraiser: The PBA "ban" was a cash cow. An ARTL spreadsheet, compiled by a Michigan CPA volunteering for ARTL, documents that the pro-life industry raised more than a quarter of a billion dollars in it's 15-year effort to secure a "ban" that never had the ability to save a single child. The PBA debacle was great though as a long-term industry fundraiser. And as Dr. James Dobson eventually admitted in writing about this industry fiasco, "Ending partial birth abortion... does not save a single human life."

Industry Members: As compared to pro-life ministries, the pro-life industry includes the National Right to Life CommitteeConcerned Women for America, Southern Baptist Bible-belt leadership, and other Tier 3 and Tier 4 leaders and groups including Americans United for Life, Jay Sekulow's American Center for Law and Justice, Ron Paul, Pat Robertson, and the Heritage Foundation. (See also Exodus Mandate's grading of Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, and CWA.)

In Contrast: There are countless leaders and organizations standing on principle and fighting for the God-given right to life and personhood of each child. As an example, see the Tier 1 pro-life ministries listed at And from American RTL's Who We Are page: ARTL Salary & Benefits: ARTL's board members, officers, and spokesmen serve without salary. Ministry workers have every right to receive salaries, but that model has not well served the fight to end "legal" abortion and euthanasia. The pro-life industry has become too comfortable as it receives millions of dollars a month in salaries. As a result, ARTL has broken the mold, with no salary for its leaders, and no retirement benefits.

Life News UnreliableMaryland's Personhood Sponsor: cites ARTL's Industry vs. Ministry presentation as the reason he now rejects exceptions and regulations. As the executive director of the Institute on the Constitution and a Maryland State Delegate, Don Dwyer was in the audience for this personhood talk, Pro-life Industry vs. Pro-life Ministry. Months later, Delegate Dwyer gave this endorsement on Denver radio of the personhood strategy: “It’s as a result of Brian Rohrbough's statements, and his commitment and conviction to this issue, that I’ve introduced the Personhood bill in Maryland. I can no longer support a piece of legislation that ends with ‘and then you can kill the baby.’ And I want to make a confession. A year ago I would not have been able to say that. A year ago, I would have supported a parental consent piece of legislation, or any other legislation that was attempting, or at least giving the appearance of moving in the right direction. And I can't do that any longer."

See the Stunning DVD: Now you can see the presentation given by ARTL's then president Brian Rohrbough, Pro-life Industry vs. Pro-life Ministry on DVD for only $19.99. Order your copy today and not only will you be helping support American Right To Life but you will also equip yourself to better defend the personhood of the unborn child.  Call 1-888-888-ARTL (2785) to order your copy today or get it online!

Please see also our Focus on the Strategy II video online or via DVD. And see, We ArePrinciples and Strategy. We are the makers, remember, of the world's largest protest sign!

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