The Abortion Debates

American RTL spokesmen participated in the following entertaining and educational debates.

What is a Fetus? ARTL debates Ilana Goldman, president of the "pro-choice" Women's Campaign Forum:


Will Fetal Pain Bills Kill More Children? The Rocky Mountain News announced this radio debate on one of America's top-ten most-powerful radio stations, Denver's AM 670 KLTT:

Just click the "play" button to hear American RTL debate the president of Wyoming RTL who is also the editor of, Steven Ertelt, who defends National RTL's plan to address a problem of fetal pain by requiring abortionists to offer anesthesia for late-term abortion. American RTL exposes NRTL's Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act as a violation of God's enduring command, Do Not Murder, since complying with its requirements then permits the killing of a late term baby. Also, Brian Rohrbough shows that giving pain killers to the fetus will alleviate the concern of some mothers sufficiently enough to convince them to abort their babies. Such fetal pain regulations make even late-term abortion appear to be more "humane" and socially palatable, and might even keep such killings legal for years to come, well after Roe v. Wade's eventual demise.

Personhood Debate on C-SPAN: Watch this video debate online between a Planned Parenthood spokesperson in Colorado and an ARTL spokesman.

Is It Immoral to Vote for McCain/Palin Because they Kill Some Kids?: Check out this written, five-round moderated debate at a leading theology forum,, between some pro-regulation, exceptions-defending Republicans and American RTL members Jamie Scofield and Will Duffy. [Notes: There's a comment about Oskar Schindler in this debate that ARTL does not agree with. Also, for those who want to skip to the summary post of the debate, please check out the ARTL team's final great post!]