Know the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Jesus ChristYou are Invited: to learn more about Jesus Christ and to know Him! The Bible asserts that mankind was created in God's image. (Claims to the contrary, that we are merely evolved animals, have led to the brutal slaughter since 1900 of hundreds of millions of people, born and unborn, as can be explored beginning at /Darwin.) Looking at the evidence has convinced us here at American Right To Life that Jesus is God the Son, the Creator, the second person of the Trinity, and that with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, that these three are one.

As we fight to stop the killing of unborn children, we share the good news of forgiveness and eternal life available through trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For as the Lord Himself has said, "this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God [the Father], and Jesus Christ [God the Son] whom You have sent" (John 17:3). And as Paul, "the apostle to the Gentiles," wrote, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9; 11:13).



Consider the Gospel Message Online: If you'd like to know more, the following links go to web pages created by those who love the Lord Jesus and who hope to share the Gospel message with you. These men and women have been convinced by the evidence that He has been raised from the dead to save those who turn from their life of ignoring or even rejecting Him, to trust in the good news of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Please consider these online resources:

for those who are ready to believe, for kids, for teenagers, for sports fans, for readers who want to see the evidence, for evolutionists, for atheist readers, for normal readers, for photography lovers, for good people, for Catholics, for Protestants, for those who are not old, or for movie lovers who speak any of 1,000 languages, or from John's account, or from his third chapter, or in a single verse from the Apostle Paul.



Get a DVD in the Mail: If you are a not a follower of Jesus Christ, you can click to use ARTL's contact form to request a copy of Mount Moriah: Evidence for the Resurrection! For non-Christians only, we will mail you this DVD for free (anywhere in the world) after first contacting you to confirm your request. And we promise of course that absolutely no soliciting or request for donation will occur. Just ask for Mount Moriah! If you are already a Christian, Mount Moriah can be ordered online. You’ll be thrilled to be reminded of all the evidence that exists which supports Christ's resurrection, from prophecies, to history, to archaeology, to details of the city, the geography, the skull, the garden, and the design and condition of the empty tomb itself!

Jesus died on a cross and rose from the deadSpeak to A Real Person: The extraordinary level of communication enabled by the Internet, unparalleled in human history, can never take the place of person-to-person, heartfelt sharing. If you would like to speak to a real live person about Jesus Christ, please ask for a call using ARTL's contact form and remember to include your phone number. (If you are a minor, we will need to speak first to your parent or guardian.) No one will be asked for a donation, for God is more interested in your life than in your money. We are a team of volunteers, with regular jobs, families, and social obligations, so we ask that you be patient but we will make an effort to contact you.

A Good Way To Start Studying the Bible: Every person should make it a lifelong goal to get to know God better by studying His Word, from Genesis to Revelation. So whether or not you are new to serious Bible study, you'll enjoy the treasure of assorted Bible facts here on our website at